Firefox not listed in default programs windows 10
Firefox not listed in default programs windows 10

firefox not listed in default programs windows 10

When you see both http and https Values, it makes it very likely that this is a web browser. When you look under that location, you will see the key URLAssociations, which specifies the URLs that it handles. This is referencing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\…\Capabilities. when you install firefox, it places an entry in there labelled Firefox, containing the value Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\Capabilities. The entries under those keys are references to a corresponding location in the registry rooted under the same origin as the ResisteredApplications key you're looking at.Į.g. There are two places the OS looks for registered applications: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplicationsĪnd HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications

firefox not listed in default programs windows 10

On Windows, the control of the default applications is determined by the Default Programs app, this app reads information that applications place in the registry. Gross detail on how to read applications that support a specific url scheme: However, why are you looking for this information - if it's merely to open a web page, then you should use the Desktop API (since java 1.6) e.g.: Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI("")) Modern applications will reference LaunchWinApp with a DelegateExecute value which specifies the actual application to launch (it's never easy, is it?), the ApplicationName in that case is a reference to a resource in the app (I have no idea how to read those values). You should be able to use the Application key to get the ApplicationName, etc. For most browsers it will be a simple reference to the executable. The ProgId value can be looked up by key in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and you're looking for the Shell/Open/command default value. The key ProgId references the handler application id that is invoked when the open for the url is invoked. In Windows 10, the default application handling is done via the user choice key under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\URLAssociations\(http|https)\UserChoice Technically StartMenuInternet is not the default browser, it merely determined how the system reacted when you clicked on the Internet icon in the start menu.

Firefox not listed in default programs windows 10